SMI Peru
The Allied Health Programs of Augusta University will embark on a trip in August of 2024 to serve the people of Cusco Peru. Partnering with Medical Ministry International and local missionaries, our team will go to provide healing and hope while hosting four days of clinic. Medical Campus Outreach sent a team to Cusco in 2010, and we remained committed to investing in the country of Peru. Here are a collection of photographs documenting our time there!
SMI Tijuana
Since 2022, Medical Campus Outreach has been partnering with Center City Church in San Diego, California to establish free clinics across the border. Through this partnership, we have taken four separate trips there to invest in the communities connected to various church plants we have built relationships with. We establish clinics in orphanages, neighborhoods, and areas while providing care and proclaiming Gospel hope.
here is a selection of photos from past trips